Saturday, August 31, 2019

Consumer Materials Enterprises Essay

Before accelerating employees’ interest in worker satisfaction, David Gold has to fix the conflict between newly hired college graduates and the older experienced supervisors because the conflict is the main issue in this case. If this issue can be fixed, all of the supervisors will be able to improve other employees’ satisfaction. Thus, the problem statement is how can the company reduce the conflict between newly hired college graduates and the older experienced supervisors. Explain the behavior. There are external issues and internal issues. For external issues, supervisors have low motivation because they are lack of confidence. They are seen as the â€Å"losers† of the organization and it is hard for them to watch others moving up. For internal issues, newly hired college graduates and the older experienced supervisors are separated into two sub-groups. The management has a personal relationship with the older experienced supervisors and this is causing some issues around forcing the older experienced supervisors to change. College graduates supervisors complain that the older supervisors don’t want to try anything new and they are upset when advice is not followed. In contrast, the older supervisors don’t trust college graduates supervisors and they think college graduates supervisors only want to make a big impression to get ahead. As a result, people in two groups don’t like each other and they feel low self-determination. They cannot control their over their own actions and two groups threat each other. Analyze the theories Self-determination theory is a theory of motivation that aims to explain individuals’ goal-directed behavior. In the case, there is a company culture clash going on. The older experienced supervisors are trying to continue on in the old ways, and college graduates supervisors are obviously trying to forge a new culture. The truth is that management is not willing to change or that the older experienced supervisors don’t see the need for change. Both groups try to control over their own actions. Due to two main reasons, supervisors start feeling their tasks more like obligations which they don’t feel engaged. First, the conflict occurs because their values and work habits are different. One of the groups is forced to change in the most cases. Second, the company doesn’t give them enough authority. The feeling undermines their motivation, so the company’s goals will not be achieved. Objectives * Improving employee satisfaction * Improving cooperation and understanding * Reducing turnover rate Alternatives: * Creating a reward-and-motivation program * Rotating shifts and having weekly meeting * Empowering supervisors Consequences of Alternatives David wants to create the atmosphere of â€Å"one big happy family†. The concept behind â€Å"one big happy family† is to improve employee satisfaction. There is a link between how motivated employees are at their workplace and their level of job satisfaction. A company endeavors to increase job satisfaction so employee motivation will also improve, resulting in better job performance and increased efficiency. Furthermore, the cooperation with the business is important for the long-term success towards achieving sustainable management. Also, the company has high turnover rate. High turnover often means that employees are unhappy with the work or compensation. The way to fix high turnover rate is to increase employee’s satisfaction. There are three alternatives. First, the employee reward program is one method of increasing employee’s extrinsic motivation to change work habits and key behaviors to benefit a small business. Extrinsic motivation is a less preferred state than intrinsic motivation, but better than being unmotivated. Second, rotating shifts can allow the general supervisor to understand each shift’s working condition. The weekly meeting can enforce the communication among supervisors and reduce the level of the conflict between newly hired college graduates and the older experienced supervisors. Also, supervisors can understand the company’s direction and be more satisfied in their jobs. Third, empowering supervisors can also enhance their motivation at jobs. Each supervisor can set personal goals, and they will feel a sense of accomplishment rather than obligation. Tradeoffs / Analysis of Alternatives Based on the criteria listed in each objective, an importance weight was assigned, which ranged from 1 to 5.† Improving employee satisfaction† was assigned a weight of 5 because employee satisfaction is a factor in employee motivation, employee goal achievement, and positive employee morale in the workplace. â€Å"Improving cooperation and understanding† was given a weight of 5. David sets up the first off-site meeting and he wants supervisors to be cooperative. â€Å"Reducing turnover rate† is weighted a 3. High turnover rate may effect operation of the refill packaging unit. However, refill packaging is not high skill job so the damage of turnover is low. For â€Å"Creating a reward-and-motivation program†, I assigned a score of 10 for the goals â€Å"Improving employee satisfaction† and â€Å"Reducing turnover rate† because Supervisors’ motivation can be encouraged by rewarding them. For the second goal, â€Å"Improving cooper ation and understanding† I assigned a score of 8. Employees will learn from others who get rewards from the company. Hence, a reward-and-motivation program can reduce the conflict between newly hired college graduates and the older experienced supervisors. They won’t insist on doing what they think right. They will follow the company’s direction. For the second strategy alternative, â€Å"Rotating shifts and having weekly meeting†, the company gets 10 points for the second goal of â€Å"Improving cooperation and understanding† and the third goal of â€Å"Reducing turnover rate† because Supervisors can get a chance to communicate face-face with others. The conflict can be reduced by understanding other Supervisors’ thoughts. The first goal, â€Å"Improving employee satisfaction â€Å", I assigned a score of 9. Rotating shifts may reduce some of employees’ satisfaction. They do something and they don’t learn new skill even though their shifts are rotated. Some Supervisors might feel annoying because their shifts are rotated. For the third strategy alternative, â€Å"Empower supervisors†, I gave 10 points for â€Å"Improving employee satisfaction†. Supervisors don’t have enough authority to manage their employees. Empowering supervisors can help them manage their employees and increase their job motivation. Also, empowering supervisors can reduce supervisor’s turnover rate. Thus, I gave 7 points for the third goal â€Å"Reducing turnover rate†. Recommendation The conflict result from lack of communication and low motivation. I suggest David creates a reward-and-motivation program, rotate shifts, and have weekly meeting. A reward program can increase supervisors’ motivation. Rotating shifts and having weekly meeting can get supervisor communicate with each other and understand others thoughts and managing skills. Table 1: Consequence Table Strategies →Goals ↓| Creating a reward-and-motivation program| Rotating shifts and having weekly meeting| Empower supervisors | Improving employee satisfaction | * Increasing employee’s extrinsic motivation. * getting more extrinsic motivation| * Supervisors will be able to learn from other supervisors | * Supervisors will get more control over their action * They get motivation to do their jobs | Improving cooperation and understanding | * understanding the goals of the company| * allowing the general supervisor to understand each shift’s working condition * enforcing the communication among supervisors and reduce the level of the conflict between newly hired college graduates and the older experienced supervisors| N/A| Reducing turnover rate| * being willing to stay in the job * getting more extrinsic motivation| * getting chance to learn from others | * Supervisors can have ability to reduce turnover rate | Table 2: Weighted/ Ranked Consequences Table Strategies →Goals ↓| Weights(Range of 1-5) | Creating a reward-and-motivation programs | Rotating shifts and having weekly meeting| Empower supervisors | Improving employee satisfaction | 5| 10[5]| 9[5]| 10[5]| Improving cooperation and understanding | 5| 8[5]| 10[5]| 3[5]| Reducing turnover rate| 3| 10[3]| 10[3]| 7[3]| | Ranked Total | 28| 29| 20| | Weighted total | 120| 125| 56| Make inferences There are several factors that may cause the low employee satisfaction in Consummate Corporation’s refill packaging unit. First, there is a conflict between newly hired college graduates and the older experienced supervisors. College graduates and the older experienced supervisors have different values and working attitudes. They always have different opinions at work. Second, employees who work in the refill packaging unit are considered to have the lowest status in Consummate Corporation. Third, supervisors aren’t given more control over their schedules, environment, and/or work habits. In addition, commination is missing among the general supervisor, each shift product supervisors, and workers. There are a lot of uncontested assumptions circulating about people on different shift, and supervisor will just make judgments by what they perceive it to be. However, those judgments are always wrong. Finally, workers who work overtime can have higher salaries than their supervisors. That makes supervisors have low motivation to accomplish their tasks. Overall, because of the low employee satisfaction, employees who work at the refill packaging unit fail to accomplish the organizational goals and some even violate laws and the company’s policy.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Communication & professional relationships with children, young people and adults Essay

Being able to build positive relationships with others helps children and young people to gain the most from being in school and is important to ensure the communication of information between children and the adults responsible for them. We are more likely to build a positive relationship with someone when we can communicate effectively with them. Effective communication is a way of setting boundaries so everyone knows what is expected of them. Most disagreements and conflicts are caused by a breakdown in communication. Children learn how to build relationships with others by watching and copying the relationships between the adults around them. It is, therefore, important to show effective communication skills when dealing with others and take care with what we say and the way we act when in stressful situations. Children can become confused if we ask them to behave one way and then show them contradictory behaviour which can make it harder for them to understand rules and boundaries. 1. 2 It is important to communicate in a way that relates to the age and interests of the child, young person or adult. If others are comfortable with us we are more likely to communicate effectively. The main principles of relationship building are: Showing respect – it is important to listen carefully to others’ point of view and show you are paying attention to them when they are speaking Being considerate – consider circumstances which may cause stress or upset and affect behaviour at any given time Taking time to listen – show interest in what is being said and respond appropriately, offering advice if requested Being clear – make sure any information or instructions are clear and understood, and made in a way suitable for age / ability / circumstances 1. 3 It can be necessary to adapt your communication style depending on the situation. Professionally a more formal style may be required for meetings with colleagues and parents or other adults involved with the school. Cultural differences can also affect communication. Certain behaviours such as eye contact or physical contact, e. g. shaking hands, can be forbidden. Certain gestures or body language may be offensive in some cultures and it is important to be aware of these issues when communicating with people from these cultures. 2. 1 If children do not feel their contribution to a conversation is valued they are less likely to initiate further communication. To help them have this confidence you need to: Give them opportunity to speak and express their own opinions Make eye contact and show you are actively listening and paying attention. If you are looking away or doing something else at the same time children will feel you are not interested in what they are saying Make sure you are approachable. This can best be done by getting down to the child’s level, if they need to look up to speak to you they are more likely to feel uncomfortable. Smiling and reacting positively to what they are saying also helps improve their confidence in you and in their communication skills Maintain the conversation by reacting and questioning. This teaches children the ‘rules’ of communication and helps them to develop an understanding of how to communicate effectively 2. 2a Children of different ages will need different levels of attention and encouragement with communication. Younger children may lack confidence and need more reassurance, both vocal and physical, to be sure of their ability to communicate one to one or in group situations. It is important to match your language to the age of the child you are communicating with. If the words used are too difficult or unknown to the child they will have difficulty understanding and participating in the conversation. Too simplistic, in either words or delivery, and the child / young person may feel patronised and annoyed by your attempts to communicate and is much less likely to respond positively. 2. 2b Different situations will require different styles of communication. When supporting children in a classroom situation it is important to keep them focused on the lesson. Communication needs to be firm and clear so everyone is sure of what is happening and what is expected of them. In a less formal situation such as the playground it is better to be more relaxed with the children. This can help to build their confidence in their own communication skills but it is, however, still important to maintain a clearly professional relationship with them. 2. 2c Children with communication difficulties, such as speech, language or communication impairment, emotional or cognitive difficulties will need more time and reassurance to ensure they do not feel pressured when speaking. It is important to allow them to speak for themselves in order to build their confidence as well as their ability to communicate clearly. Where there are language or cultural differences it may be necessary to allow extra time for longer explanations of questions / instructions. Visual cues can be helpful and in some cases it may be necessary to use a translator. 2. 3 When communicating with children the main points discussed above, maintaining eye contact, responding to what they say etc. , are the same as when communicating with adults. However, it is also important to ensure the relationship is always formal and the child understands you are their carer in the school setting. When communicating with children it is also important to be very clear in what is said and what is meant. Children need to know exactly what is expected of them so they can continue to learn from us. The vocabulary used needs to be appropriate for the children involved. Although younger children may want hugs or to hold hands it is not really appropriate and physical contact with children of any age should never be initiated by the adult. 2. 4 When communicating with other adults you need to be aware of individual needs which may make effective communication difficult. Adults with physical impairments such as hearing difficulties may need you to speak more slowly and clearly to accommodate lip reading. It may be necessary to pass on messages orally to parents who have difficulty reading written letters. When communicating face to face you should try to adapt the language you use to reflect the language used by the other person. Formal meetings will need more formal language than an informal chat. 2. 5 Most disagreements are caused by lack of communication or miscommunication with others. The longer a disagreement goes on the harder it will be to resolve, so you should try to work out the problem as quickly as possible. Where a problem has occurred due to a lack of communication the best way to deal with it is to discuss it with the person involved as soon as possible to try to work out a way forward. It is important not to ignore the problem as this can cause more problems in the future. Another common cause of disagreements is a difference in opinion and expectations. It is important to be clear about what you expect from a situation from the start so there is no confusion. If parents have a different opinion from school in a situation it is important to explain clearly what happens in school and why it has to happen that way. Lack of confidence or pressure from outside situations can also affect the way people communicate which in turn can lead to disagreements. In this situation you need to show sensitivity and understanding in order to resolve the problem and prevent it from escalating. It is never acceptable to get into a disagreement with a child; you should be able to manage the situation using the school’s procedures for negative behaviour. You need to explain to the child why you are disagreeing with them and once you have done this you need to follow the sanctions that are in place within the classroom and school as a whole. By descending into an argument with a child you are giving them a negative model to follow instead of teaching them how to resolve disagreements in a socially acceptable manner. 3. 1 Data Protection Act 1998 – any organisation which holds information on individuals needs to be registered with the Data Protection Commission. Information held must be: Processed fairly and lawfully Only used for the purpose for which it was gathered Adequate, relevant and not excessive Accurate and kept up to date where necessary Kept for no longer than necessary Processed in line with the individual’s rights Kept secure Not transferred outside the European Union without adequate protection 2003 Green Paper Every Child Matters leading to the Children’s Act 2004 – this was put into place to stress the importance of more integrated services and better sharing of information between professionals dealing with children & young people. 3. 2 When building relationships with children, young people and adults it is important to reassure them that any information they may give you will be kept confidential. This will give them the confidence to know they can speak to you if there is a problem. Knowing you will not pass information on unless you have to will build trust between you and the child / adult. Breaking this trust would be detrimental to the relationship which can lead to a reluctance to share important information. 3. 3 If you are given information which leads you to suspect a child may be at risk of abuse or in some other danger it is important to pass the information on to the appropriate person within the school. You should make it clear to the person giving you the information that you are unable to keep it confidential but also that you will only pass it on to certain people and it will not be a subject of gossip within the school.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Differing Scholarly Views on the Euthanasia Situation

Differing Scholarly Views on the Euthanasia Situation People in Canada are diagnosed with terminal illness’ every day. They know when they are going to die and often suffer until then. Why can’t patients diagnosed with a terminal illness be given the option to be euthanized? It would allow such patients to die painlessly and peacefully instead of having to suffer. While currently illegal in all but five areas of the world, assisted suicide and euthanasia are quickly becoming a more prevalent topic globally with more and more countries looking at making the move to legalize the acts.It has been legalized nationally in countries such as the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Belgium while also being legalized in the states of Oregon and Washington in the United States of America. The article from the New England Journal of Medicine, Redefining Physicians` Role in Assisted Dying by Lisa Lehmann, uses the state of Oregon as a basis for much of her research and probing into both si des of the argument behind euthanasia.Margaret Somerville, a world renown ethicist and academic known for some of her controversial views, also gives her own insight into the topic in the article Legalized Euthanasia Only a Breath Away, published by the Globe and Mail. Somerville bases much of her argument around personal opinions and strong beliefs. I will examine the merits and proposals brought forth by each author and compare them to each other. The contrast between these two papers is quite evident in ways of structure and delivery of information.In Somerville`s article, she establishes early on that, morally speaking, assisted death is a blatant disregard for the sanctity and respect for human life. She even goes as far as to call it â€Å"unconstitutional†. When describing the people who stand on either side of this argument of legalizing euthanasia, she says, â€Å"†¦it comes down to a direct conflict between the value of respect for human life, on the one hand, and individual rights to autonomy and self-determination – the value of `choice`- on the other. She establishes the two positions one has to choose from in the argument over this topic and leaves little room for change on either side. This entire argument being based solely on her opinion and giving no facts to back either of the positions makes it very biased in favour of keeping euthanasia illegal. In Somerville’s article, she shows the availability of the process in Oregon and how it is very helpful to those who seek it out. Somerville believes that no one should have control over whether another human lives or dies.That is why she believes euthanasia should be an available option to terminal patients. One of the driving points that Somerville delivers is that, â€Å"research shows that the most likely reasons people want assisted suicide/euthanasia are fear of being abandoned – dying alone and unloved. † Without any source cited for the research, it brings the validity of the argument into question. It seems more of a popular opinion twisted into a fact for the purpose of supporting an argument, especially after comparing Lehmann’s article is read.She quotes from the thirteenth annual report from Oregon`s Death with Dignity Act that, â€Å"Most (patients) say that they are motivated by a loss of autonomy and an inability to engage in activities that give their meaning† as the primary reason for considering euthanasia in Oregon. It also cites lack of ability to control pain being one of the least common reasons for euthanizing as well, due in regards to the leaps and bounds modern medicine has made in palliative care in contrast to the 60’s. Having an element of control over the time one dies and how it happens is something that is understandable for many terminal patients to desire.Knowing when they are supposed to die makes it very hard for terminal patients to fully enjoy any life experiences because they constantly remind themselves of how little time they have until their death. This statement brings doubt to the â€Å"research† that Somerville uses to fortify her stance against assisted death, especially with a lack of a credible source into said research. Within Lehman’s article, she states some main objections to euthanasia commonly used by critics. One is that having an option to end one’s life will reduce the quality of palliative care.But that is not the case in Oregon. Lehman’s research has shown that overall spending and patient ratings on palliative care have consistently risen in the thirteen year period that euthanasia has been legal. Another popular objection is that practitioners of euthanasia are working on a â€Å"slippery slope† and that the process for selecting euthanasia candidates will someday be expanded to accept patients with nonterminal illnesses or even non-voluntary euthanasia. But within Oregon, Lehman describes how a p atient must go a long process before actually being euthanized.A panel of medical professionals considers many different factors of the patient such as diagnosis, pain tolerance, depression, state of mind, and many others. This process takes at least 2-4 weeks. After taking all the factors into consideration, the patient will be given the panel’s decision on whether they are a candidate for euthanasia. Strict tangencies such as the review panel that are in place within Oregon will prevent any change to euthanasia laws. The guidelines are very â€Å"black and white† so there are no misinterpretations and the laws are set in stone.Lehman’s opinions are well thought out and well supported by the research into the process in Oregon, one of the few places on Earth with a legal euthanasia practice. Research into the selection process directly contradicts many popular objection made by critics against legalization of euthanasia. Opinions are very powerful tools that ca n greatly influence the outcome and views of others in open and controversial topics. Opinions should be based around factual information and solid research, not personal beliefs and motives. This is the clear case between Somerville’s and Lehmann’s articles.Both being very qualified and knowledgeable in different areas of study, Lehman simply uses her research and time resources fully and reaps the rewards of having a very strong opinion based around factual information based on the foundations of research. Lehman’s opinion will carry much more weight that Somerville’s which is based off unproven claims and research with no citations. When it comes to controversial topics such as euthanasia, it is important to collect as much information as possible before making an informed decision on whether to have it as an option to terminal patients or not.The decision made will impact people’s lives one way or another. It’s just a matter of which dec ision will have a greater benefit for the human population. Author. â€Å"Title of Article. † Name of Magazine. Name of Publisher, Day Mon. Year: Pages. Medium. Date you accessed it. Somerville, M. â€Å"Legalized Euthanasia Only A Breath Away. † Globe and Mail, 16 June. 2012. Retrieved October 14, 2012 Lehmann, L. â€Å"Redefining Physician’s Role in Assisted Dying. † New England Journal of Medicine, 12 July. 2012: 97-99. 367. Retrieved October 14, 2012 Word Count: 1195

Watching TV makes you smarter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Watching TV makes you smarter - Essay Example Johnson’s argument in support of television programs with more intricate stories can actually have a greater level of intellectual benefits when compared to plainer shows because under the latter case, the viewer’s brain does not explore potential outcomes of the story and the rationale behind such ideological constructs (170). Conversely, Johnson falls short of providing a convincing argument that places television viewing above other ways of gaining intellectual skills such as reading books. In fact, owing to the general spectator roles in television viewers, their inability to take charge of the unfolding events in the programs does not have any impact on their respective intelligence quotients (IQs). The viewers’ cognition is always expected to remain unchanged, irrespective of the content they are exposed to. By contrast, most people need some motivation to clear both psychological and physical fatigue inherent in human life, in an attempt to stimulate learning and cognitive development. In light of this, simple television programs with a higher level of predictability may have a higher degree of improving the IQ of the

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Employee Benefits and Services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Employee Benefits and Services - Essay Example The reason behind this is that he/she enters the country with an aim to attain financial stability through struggle and hard work . Therefore, they work hard to gain opportunities and occasionally become successfull eventually as a good entrepreneur. There has been a continuous debate on whether a Citizen or Non-Citizen should receive the same employee benefits working for the same organization or country (United States). One view point is that if a person who is not a citizen, but has been working in US legally, is entitled to Social Security Number and subsequently, he can receive benefits almost equivalent to a native US Citizen. This provision was passed on January 1, 2004 that a non-citizen can be granted SSN if he stays in the country and works legally. A non-citizen is also entitled to unemployment benefit if an organization terminates his contract without any valid reason and after he has received SSN. (U.S. Social Security

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Information Technology Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Information Technology - Coursework Example There are many types of MSD ranging from different types of arthritis, back pain, gout, fibromyalgia among many others. However, another set of MSD known as work-related MSD is prevalent since almost all people use computers for either work or play. The article that was discussed comes from conquest chronicles website that discuss Lateral Epicondylitis, which is commonly known as tennis elbow. This type of repetitive stress injury happens when people use their arms and wrist during some motions such as hammering or holding a screwdriver. Nevertheless, people who often use the computer are also susceptible to this RSI because their wrists are constantly resting on the computer table for long hours when typing or playing games in some cases. Hence, tennis elbow is not common only to tennis players but people who constantly use their forearms. A closer look at the anatomy of tennis elbow shows that chronic rotation of the two major muscles (Anconeus and Supinator) which supports the for earms movement results to strain on the tendons in these muscles (orthoinfo. Over time, the tendons suffer from repetitive movements leading to lateral epicondylitis. The result of the Computer Workstations ETool( showed I had twenty-five yes answers, which show that there are some things that must be adjusted to make my workstation more ergonomic.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Art and Fashion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Art and Fashion - Essay Example The essay "Art and Fashion" focuses on the fashion designs and Elsa Schiaparelli. Schiaparelli’s well known designs in regard to fetish, gender and sexuality, were feminine and functional and at the same time maintained the theme of Surrealist of the woman body as fetish. Schiaparelli is well remembered for working together with Salvador Dali and through their work, Surrealist work become animated and also gained life. Through working together with Dali, Schiaparelli took fashion out of the closet, turning it into dressing with attitude. Dali had much respect on the way Schiaparelli’s designs were able to bring out physical revelation to the fantasies of the insensible mind. In addition, Dali had respect on Schiaparelli’s ability to come up with a form of feminine beauty matching to male’s erotic imagination. The materiality of dressing, when used as an adornment of the body, turned Surrealist work into visual fashion, and fashion gave way for the creation of well-designed pieces out of extraordinary or ordinarily less useful objects. These facts form a basis for the explanation of why Dali and fellow Surrealists had much attraction to haute couture. One issue that is worth considering is that a majority of Schiaparelli’s work has become a key contributor in clothing design, but, unfortunately, her contribution goes unrecognized. However, Schiaparelli in collaboration with Dali managed to bring Surrealism to life, animating paintings and changing art into wearable and functional element. Schiaparelli was well aware that clothes and accessories had the ability to function as an extension of a woman, enabling women to change their personality and make a choice of what they intend to become. Apart from collaborating with Dali, Schiaparelli also collaborated with other Surrealists such as Oppenheim, Giacometti, Aragon, Fini, and Triolet in making jewelry and perfume containers and clothing. In addition, Schiaparelli's personal col lections were also thematically Surrealist (Baudot, 2006). Different from the long-term Coco Channel whose pieces of work continue to bloom, the House of Schiaparelli has not managed to achieve such stable popularity. In the same breath, Schiaparelli’s pieces of art have not been able to trigger a fabulous deal of significant analysis compared to Coco channel (Peacock, 1993). Therefore, Schiaparelli’s contributions in the fashion industry are yet to be fully acknowledged. Many have dismissed Schiaparelli’s contributions on grounds that they are derivative and others accusing her of stealing other people’s ideas. The 2007 V&A even staged fashions by Schiaparelli, but this was one of a few exhibitions that staged her work. Therefore, finding exhibitions with Schiaparelli’s work remains extremely rare and the last exhibition that had an exclusive devotion to her work took place in September 2002 and January 2003 at the museum of art in Philadelphia (W ood, 2007). Contrary to what is mentioned above, there were a number of publications on

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Germany and the Germans Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Germany and the Germans - Term Paper Example The history of the Holocaust still echoes the horror of the Jewish genocide. In the most realistic terms, the holocaust or the â€Å"genocide or mass destruction of the Jews was the culmination of a decade of increasingly severe discriminatory measures.† (Holocaust Encyclopedia) Statistically speaking, the Holocaust took the lives of approximately six million European Jews during World War II. Started as a program of systematic state-sponsored extermination of the German-based Jewish population, the Holocaust also included the Nazi’s systematic murder of millions of people from other ethnic groups including Romani, Polish and Soviet civilians, people of non-German ethnic origin, homosexuals as well as people with various physical disabilities. Hitler’s idea of the ‘Final Solution’ was articulated as early as in 1919. His anti-Semitic ideology is rooted deeply in racial connotations: â€Å"Hitler believed his race was pure†¦wanting to protect racial purity, he then thought about getting rid of all Jews throughout Europe, along with other races he believed to be sub-human, including Slavs, Gypsies, homosexuals, the mentally ill and disables people. Shortly after 1933, Hitler and his Nazi Party obtained power in Germany and tried to force Jewish emigration†¦Hitler having a great amount of power, along with his army, had almost total control over Europe. The Nazis considered the â€Å"Jewish Question† no longer a German issue, but a European issue.† Coming back to the detailed discussion of the Holocaust, the persecution and segregation of the Jewish people was implemented systematically in various stages. After Hitler’s Nazi Party attained power in Germany in 1933, the anti-Jewish legislation was introduced and implemented, which was the dictator pharaoh’s first major step to racism. This followed with economic boycotts and the ugly violence of the Kristallnacht - all of these activities

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Personality and Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Personality and Music - Essay Example Creativity and the ability to adjust socially are vital aspects of what dictates a person’s personality in terms of adapting in a community and determining whether a person has any common interests for relationship-building. If music is able to stimulate centers of the brain which regulate these actions, then perhaps it can enhance whether a person is capable of having quality friendships. If a person leans toward a specific type of music, like rock, rap, or hip hop, it might be due to the fact that the person is searching for personal creativity and finds stimulation from a specific genre. For instance, rock music might appeal to the person’s desire to break away from certain home environments and it inspires them to succeed. Perhaps also a desire to listen to hip hop might offer feelings of community or personal assistance for a charity-minded type of person. When they feel that the music is closely connected to their own wants and needs, it might offer a sensation in the brain which creates perceptions of contentment or creativity that other types of music do not provide. This is only a hypothetical scenario, however it is based on the idea that music and involvement in music over time can be linked with changes in the physical brain. Since the brain is still largely a mystery today, it might just be possible that stimulation from an emotional viewpoint could be triggered from certain varieties of music. It is relatively common knowledge that the brain has pleasure centers within it, perhaps music stimulates these regions but only when certain types of music are playing. It might, then, be that personality aspects are also changed as the person finds some reward in listening to certain music and it changes how they behave outwardly. Where society might have seen them as being withdrawn, now that music has changed their frustration to pleasure, they are seen as vibrant and happy

Friday, August 23, 2019

To Be Determined Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

To Be Determined - Essay Example The Shoemaker’s Holiday is a story where the author paints a picture of London, the prevailing customs and trades. The story portrays a note of optimism throughout and incorporates essentially two stories – the story of Rose and Lacy on one hand and that of Jane and Ralph on the other. He shows how love can win over money. The story shows some dreams coming true after overcoming all the obstacles. The shoemaker’s Holiday not only projects the theme of love but also relates how people fight against poverty in order to meet their love. Lacy, a spendthrift nephew of the Earl of Lincoln is in love with Rose, the daughter of Sir Roger Oatley, the lord mayor of London. However both their guardians are against their marriage and plan to send Lacy away to war against France in order to separate them. Lacy decides to escape this and disguises himself as a shoemaker in order to find his love Rose. He spends all the money given to him by the Earl and sends his cousin Askew with a false promise of joining him at the war later. Although the story takes place in the background of sixteenth century, the reality of socio economic conditions of London was not that optimistic. While real wages fell, prices rose in the mid sixteenth century and high costs were incurred due to the wars against Scotland and France. (Luu, 44) The story therefore raises the hopes of the people who are down the economic scale because it shows how opportunities lie around and everyone seems to be engaged in some trade or the other. Thus the story contradicts the reality. The play shows a struggle against poverty. The economic aspect is emphasized in the play. Therefore the story appeals to the mass on the lower economic scale because it raises their hopes that opportunity lies around them only to be grabbed at the right moment. Looking at the other aspect of the story, which is love, one may notice that both the couples get

Thursday, August 22, 2019

British Author Research Paper Essay Example for Free

British Author Research Paper Essay Lord Bryon once said, â€Å"Fools are my theme, let satire be my song†. A satire is a literary composition, in verse or prose, in which human folly and vice are held up to scorn, derision,or ridicule ( A well recognized satire is George Orwell’s Animal Farm. Orwell wrote this allegorical novella in England when the wartime alliance with the Soviet Union was at its height and Stalin was held in highest esteem in Britain both among the people and government. George Orwell wrote Animal Farm to fuse political purpose and artistic purpose into one whole, thus addressing the downfall of the Russian Revolution which was caused by its corrupt leaders and ignorant citizens. George Orwell was born Eric Arthur Blair. He was born on June 25th 1903 in Bengal, India to a British colonial civil servant. About a year after his birth, Orwell was brought back to England by his mother along with his older sister. He began writing poems at the age of four, ultimately getting one of his poems published in a local newspaper. In 1911 he went to St. Cyprians, on a partial scholarship, in the coastal town of Eastbourne, where he got his first taste of Englands class system. There he began to read the works of Rudyard Kipling and H. G. Wells. He was exceptionally intelligent that he received a scholarship to study at Eton college. After graduating, Orwell joined the India Imperial Police Force in 1922. After five years, he resigned his post and returned to England. He wanted to try his luck as a writer. He would spend his time between England and Paris, thus writing his first major work Down and Out in Paris and London. He felt that it would embarrass his family, so he published it under the pseudonym George Orwell. He was not successful and began to take up any job offer just to make ends meet. He later published Burmese Days, which offered a dark look at British colonialism in Burma, then part of the countrys Indian empire. Orwells interest in political matters grew rapidly after this novel was published. In 1937, Orwell traveled to Spain, where he joined one of the groups fighting against General Francisco Franco in the Spanish Civil War. He was injured and left back for England. For years, Orwell had periods of sickness, and he was officially diagnosed with tuberculosis in 1938. Later, he landed a job with the BBC as a producer and in 1943 he became the literary editor for a socialist newspaper. Orwell is best known for two novels, Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four, both of which were published toward the end of his life. Animal Farm was published in 1945 and Nineteen Eighty-Four was published in 1949. Orwell, however, was not able to enjoy his success due to his battle with tuberculosis. He died on January 21, 1950, in a London hospital. England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, while the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separate it from continental Europe. It has a population of 53,013,000 inhabitants. The official language is British English. Christianity is the most widely practised religion in England. The major form of Christianity practised is Anglicanism. English folklore is big part of English Culture. Some of the characters and stories are present across England, but most belong to specific regions. Common folkloric beings include pixies, giants, elves, bogeymen, trolls, goblins and dwarves. Since the Early Modern Period the food of England has historically been characterised by its simplicity of approach and a reliance on the high quality of natural produce. Traditional examples of English food include the Sunday roast, featuring a roasted joint served with assorted vegetables, Yorkshire pudding, stuffing and gravy. Other prominent meals include fish and chips and the full English breakfast. Various meat pies and sausages are consumed by the British. Lancashire hotpot is a well known stew. Frequently consumed alcoholic drinks include wines, ciders and English beers, such as bitter, mild, stout, and brown ale. England has a strong sporting heritage, and during the 19th century codified many sports that are now played around the world. Sports originating in England include association football, cricket, and rugby. The basic political system in England is a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary system. Today England is governed directly by the Parliament of the United Kingdom. The monarch is Queen Elizabeth II and the prime minister is David Cameron MP. Animal Farm was published by Orwell on August 17th , 1945. This novel shows how potential ignorance and indifference to problems within a revolution could allow horrors to happen if a smooth transition to a peoples government is not achieved. The novel starts out with Old Major, a prize-winning boar, gathers the animals of the Manor Farm for a meeting in the big barn. He tells them of a dream he has had in which all animals live together with no human beings to oppress or control them. He tells the animals that they must work toward such a paradise and teaches them a song called â€Å"Beasts of England,† in which his dream vision is lyrically described. The animals greet Major’s vision with great enthusiasm. When he dies only three nights after the meeting, three younger pigs—Snowball, Napoleon, and Squealer—formulate his main principles into a philosophy called Animalism. Late one night, the animals manage to defeat the farmer Mr. Jones in a battle, running him off the land. They rename the property Animal Farm and dedicate themselves to achieving Major’s dream. At first, Animal Farm prospers. Snowball works at teaching the animals to read, and Napoleon takes a group of young puppies to educate them in the principles of Animalism. As time passes, however, Napoleon and Snowball increasingly quibble over the future of the farm, and they begin to struggle with each other for power and influence among the other animals. After chasing Snowball away, Napoleon assumes leadership of Animal Farm and declares that there will be no more meetings. From that point on, he asserts, the pigs alone will make all of the decisions—for the good of every animal. Napoleon orders the animals to construct a windmill, and the animals devote their efforts to completing it. One day, after a storm, the animals find the windmill toppled. Napoleon claims that Snowball returned to the farm to sabotage the windmill. He uses this as an excuse to rid the farm of various animals who have allegedly participated in Snowball’s great conspiracy by giving them instant death at the teeth of the attack dogs. With his leadership unquestioned, Napoleon begins expanding his powers, rewriting history to make Snowball a villain. Napoleon also begins to act more and more like a human being by sleeping in a bed, drinking whisky, and engaging in trade with neighboring farmers. The original Animalist principles strictly forbade such activities, but Squealer justifies every action to the other animals, convincing them that Napoleon is a great leader and is making things better for everyone even though the other animals are cold, hungry, and overworked. Mr. Frederick, a neighboring farmer, cheats Napoleon in the purchase of some timber and then attacks the farm and dynamites the windmill, which had been rebuilt at great expense. After the demolition of the windmill, a pitched battle ensues. Napoleon then sells his most loyal and long-suffering worker, Boxer, to a glue maker in order to get money for whisky. Years pass on Animal Farm, and the pigs become more and more like human being by walking upright, carrying whips, and wearing clothes. Eventually, the seven principles of Animalism, known as the Seven Commandments and inscribed on the side of the barn, become reduced to a single principle reading â€Å"all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.† Napoleon entertains a human farmer named Mr. Pilkington at a dinner and declares his intent to ally himself with the human farmers against the laboring classes of both the human and animal communities. He also changes the name of Animal Farm back to the Manor Farm, claiming that this title is the â€Å"correct† one. Looking in at the party of elites through the farmhouse window, the common animals can no longer tell which are the pigs and which are the human beings. The story is meant to symbolize the downfall of the Russian Revolution and the corruption of Stalin. Old Major represents Karl Marx, as he originated Communism, hence Animalism. Napoleon represents Joseph Stalin, while Snowball represents Leon Trotsky. The attack dogs represent the Red Army, while Boxer represents the soviet workers. The rise of Stalin after the Russian Revolution inspired Orwell to write Animal Farm. It is satire on equality, where all barnyard animals live free from their human masters tyranny. Inspired to rebel by Major, an old boar, animals on Mr. Jones Manor Farm embrace Animalism and stage a revolution to achieve an idealistic state of justice and progress. A power-hungry pig, Napoleon, becomes a totalitarian dictator who leads the Animal Farm into All Animals Are Equal / But Some Are More Equal Than Others oppression. As an English author, Orwell traditionally used fictional characters to represent actual humans. The novel is an exceptional work of satire and meets its purpose of portraying the truth about the Soviet Union and turning point of the Russian Revolution.

American Retirement Corporation Essay Example for Free

American Retirement Corporation Essay American Retirement Corporation (ARC) is an operator of senior living communities. The company is a senior living and health care services provider offering a broad range of care and services to seniors, including independent living, assisted living, skilled nursing and therapy services. The company operates around 65 senior living communities in 14 states, with an aggregate unit capacity of approximately 12,900 units and resident capacity of approximately 14,500. Across the United States, the company owns 19 communities, leases 41 communities, and manages five communities pursuant to management agreements. The company operates in three distinct business segments: retirement centers, free standing assisted living communities (ALCs), and management services. The company operates large continuing care and retirement communities (CCRCs) and independent living communities (retirement centers) that provide an array of services, including independent living, assisted living, Alzheimers and skilled nursing care. The companys retirement centers are the largest segment of the companys business and comprise around 27 of the 65 communities that the company operates, with unit capacity of approximately 8,100, representing approximately 63% of the total unit capacity of the companys communities. The companys free standing ALCs provide specialized assisted living care to residents in a comfortable residential atmosphere. Most of the free standing ALs provide specialized care such as Alzheimers, memory enhancement and other dementia programs. These communities are designed to provide care in a home-like setting. At each of its free standing ALCs, the company provide personalized care plans for each resident, extensive activity programs, and access to therapy or other services as needed. Jack C. Massey, Dr. Thomas F. Frist, Sr. , and a small group of prominent local businessmen founded American Retirement Corp. in February 1978. Historically, the company operated large CCRCs and independent living communities that provided an array of services, including independent living, assisted living and skilled nursing care in large, often campus style settings. The company formed American Retirement Communities in February 1995, through a combination of certain entities that owned, operated, or managed various senior living communities. American Retirement became a wholly owned subsidiary of American Retirement Communities in February 1997 (Datamonitor, December 2005). ARC began to develop and acquire a number of free-standing assisted living communities in 1999, most of which began operations during 1999 and 2000. In 2001, the company purchased assisted living residences in partnership with CNL Retirement, namely the Broadway Plaza at Pecan Park in Arlington, Texas and the Homewood Residence in Boca Raton, Florida. In Boca Raton, ARC could be availed through the Homewood Residence, a senior community designed to help those who need assistance with daily activities such as bathing, dressing and administering needed medication. According to the Homewood Residence Website, the service they provide is â€Å"just like family†, the extra assistance their clients may need with their daily activities, while helping them maintain the privacy, dignity and independence (Homewood Residence Website). Boca Raton, located in the Palm Beach County, has a healthy economy and wealthy retirees. Its primary growth is relying mainly on the tourism industry. Palm Beach County’s growth, on the other hand, is concentrated in biotechnology, electronics, and computer industries. The largest employers are in the public sector, federal and state government, public schools, and Florida Atlantic University. In Boca Raton, there is also an increased number of older populace. Businesses must deal with the shifts in demands for goods and services brought on by the desires and needs of older consumers (Howell, 1997). The issues facing the delivery of goods and services in general are magnified in the health care arena. Efforts to reach older consumers often are hampered by failure to understand the requirements and preferences of this population. According to the Boca Raton Comprehensive Annual Report (September 2005), the Milken Institute Index listed the Boca Raton market as the fourth in the â€Å"2004 Best Performing Cities Index† in the country for economic strength and job and wage growth. With a shortage of affordable housing, Boca Raton has introduced a workforce housing ordinance and is in the process of developing mixed use options as tools for providing additional housing in areas previously reserved for non residential uses. The Report also proudly states that Boca Raton is the location of several Fortune 500 companies and nearly 3,000 businesses, employing over 38,000 people because of its low taxes, strong employment base, and quality of life, Boca Ratons business community is thriving (See Table 1). Table 1. Boca Raton’s Top Employers Among the three counties in Florida, Palm Beach has experienced the greatest population growth in absolute numbers and in population density. It also has the oldest population. According to the 2000 US Census, Palm Beach County has 1,131,184 residents (See Table 2). Residents of Palm Beach County also have a higher per-capita income than in the other two counties. Miami-Dade County is clearly the largest of the three, in geographic size and population. Palm Beach and Broward Counties have similar proportions of their population that are uninsured, approximately 15 percent, and Miami Dade has the highest at 25 percent (Jackson Beatty, 2003, p. 7). In the issue of income, Boca Raton has a high income per capita. Table 3 provides the data of income distribution by age group and by ethnicity in the year 1999. Table 2. Palm Beach Demographics PALM BEACH COUNTY FL US POPULATION Number Number Number Total population 1,131,184 Square miles (land) 1,974. 11 Population per square mile 573. 01 296. 37 79. 56 GENDER Number Pct Pct Pct Male 546,739 48. 3 48. 8 49. 1 Female 584,445 51. 7 51. 2 50. 9 AGE Number Pct Pct Pct 15 or younger 201,715 17. 8 19. 0 21. 4 16-24 113,057 10. 0 12. 2 13. 9 25-44 305,041 27. 0 28. 6 30. 2 45-64 249,295 22. 0 22. 7 22. 0 65+ 262,076 23. 2 17. 6 12. 4 Number Number Number Average age (years) 42. 55 39. 53 36. 22 RACE AND ETHNICITY Number Pct Pct Pct White 894,207 79. 1 78. 0 75. 1 Black or African American 156,055 13. 8 14. 6 12. 3 American Indian and Alaska native 2,466 0. 2 0. 3 0. 9 Asian 17,127 1. 5 1. 7 3. 6 Native Hawaiian and other Pacific islander 692 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 Some other race 33,709 3. 0 3. 0 5. 5 Two or more races 26,928 2. 4 2. 4 2. 4 Hispanic or Latino 140,675 12. 4 16. 8 12. 5 Sources: U. S. Census Bureau, 2000 Census; ePodunk Note: Hispanic ethnicity is a separate data category from race. This number should not be added to race totals. Table 3. Incomes in 1999 Boca Raton, Florida BOCA RATON FL US MEDIAN HOUSEHOLD INCOME BY AGE ($ IN 1999) Number Number Number Median household income 60,248 38,819 41,994 Householder under 25 24,080 22,861 22,679 Householder 25-34 49,871 39,021 41,414 Householder 35-44 73,110 46,291 50,654 Householder 45-54 82,033 50,347 56,300 Householder 55-64 71,315 42,971 47,447 Householder 65-74 52,321 32,398 31,368 Householder 75 and older 43,971 25,085 22,259 PER CAPITA INCOME BY RACE OR ETHNICITY ($) Number Number Number Per capita income 45,628 21,557 21,587 White 48,463 23,919 23,918 Black or African American 16,275 12,585 14,437 Native American 31,123 16,598 12,893 Asian 22,469 20,429 21,823 Native Hawaiian and Pacific islander 13,569 15,251 15,054 Some other race 14,023 11,431 10,813 Two or more races 20,589 13,514 13,405 Hispanic or Latino 25,476 15,198 12,111 Sources: U. S. Census Bureau, 2000 Census; ePodunk Moreover, the Health Care District of Palm Beach County provides a source of funding for low-income residents to gain access to health care coverage and maintains a comprehensive trauma system in Palm Beach County, Florida. Other services include: rehabilitation/long-term care, nurses in public schools, behavioral health professionals in public schools, senior services and childrens health insurance programs (HCDPBC Website). HCDs mission is to â€Å"maximize the health and well being of Palm Beach County residents by addressing their health care needs and planning for the access and delivery of services. † Health care has become one of the most vibrant sectors of the American economy, frequently a leader in economic growth, and the largest employer. Its research-based medicine focused on the use of pharmaceuticals, mechanical devices, and surgery, intervention strategies that reflect an earlier view of the body as a machine, paying relatively little attention to internal processes of problem-solving that occur normally (Heirich, 1998, p. 343). According to Andersen, Rice and Kominski (2001), improving access to health care can be greatly facilitated by a new generation of access models and indicators. These should stress the importance of contextual as well as individual characteristics to promote policies to improve access for defined populations. Also, these should focus on the extent to which medical care contributes to peoples health. Access measures should be developed specifically for particular vulnerable population groups. These measures are especially important because of the cross-cutting needs of many of the vulnerable groups: persons with HIV/AIDS, substance abusers, migrants, homeless people, people with disabilities, and those suffering from family violence. Improving equity, effectiveness, and efficiency should be the guiding norms for research on access. Among the most important areas for research are: †¢ Promoting successful birth outcomes—research on the relationships among medical risk factors, the content of prenatal care and birth outcomes †¢ Reducing the incidence of vaccine-preventable childhood diseases—research on the relationships among race, barriers to access, and infectious disease †¢ Reducing the effects of chronic diseases and prolonging life—research concerning the differences in use of high-cost discretionary care according to gender, ethnicity, income, and insurance status and whether these differences represent overuse or underuse of these services. †¢ Reducing morbidity and pain through timely and appropriate treatment— research exploring methods to better define what constitutes timely and appropriate use of physician services References American Retirement Corp. (2005, November 5). Retrieved May 5, 2006, from Datamonitor Database at http://dbic. datamonitor. com/companies/company/? pid=BAC9B41D-2415-44CF-8228-1C8B736DCBA8 American Retirement Corporation Website. http://www. arclp. com/index. html Andersen, R. M. , Rice, T. H. , Kominski, G. F. (2001). Changing the U. S. Health Care System. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Boca Raton Income Overview. Retrieved May 5, 2006, from Epodunk Website at http://www. epodunk. com/cgi-bin/incomeOverview. php? locIndex=8367 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report of the City of Boca Raton, Florida. (2005, Spetember 30). Retrieved May 5, 2006, from Boca Raton Government Website at http://www. ci. boca-raton. fl. us/city/Council3. cfm Heirich, M. (1998). Rethinking Health Care: Innovation and Change in America. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. Homewood Residence Website. http://www. seniorhousingnet. com/seniors/search/brochure/pr_brochure. jhtml? pid=552999name=hrbocaratontrigger=shnsource=a1shzr2t070 Howell, W. C. (1997). Forward, perspectives, and prospectives. In A. D. Fisk W. A. Rogers (Eds. ), Handbook of human factors and the older adult (pp. 1–6). San Diego, CA: Academic Press. Jackson, C. A. , Beatty, A. (2003). Organization and Financing of Indigent Hospital Care in South Florida. Santa Monica, CA: Rand. Palm Beach Population Overview. Retrieved May 5, 2006, from Epodunk Website at http://www. epodunk. com/cgi-bin/popInfo. php? locIndex=8814

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Advantages And Limitations Of Different Operating Systems Computer Science Essay

Advantages And Limitations Of Different Operating Systems Computer Science Essay 1.The majority of Linux variants are available for free or at a much lower price than Microsoft Windows. 2.Linux is and has always been a very secure Operating System. Although it still can be attacked when compared to Windows, it much more secure. 3. The majority of Linux variants and versions are notoriously reliable and can often run for months and years without needing to be rebooted. DISADVANTAGE OF LINUX : 1.Although the majority Linux variants have improved dramatically in ease of use, Windows is still much easier to use for new computer users. 2.Linux has a large variety of available software programs, utilities, and games. However, Windows has a much larger selection of available software. 3.Linux companies and hardware manufacturers have made great advancements in hardware support for Linux and today Linux will support most hardware devices. However, many companies still do not offer drivers or support for their hardware in Linux. ADVANTAGE OF WINDOWS : 1.Microsoft has made several advancements and changes that have made it a much easier to use Operating System, and although arguably it may not be the easiest Operating System, it is still Easier than Linux. 2.Because of the large amount of Microsoft Windows users, there is a much larger selection of available software programs, utilities, and games for Windows. 3.Microsoft Windows includes its own help section, has vast amount of available online documentation and help, as well as books on each of the versions of Windows. DISADVANTAGE OF WINDOWS : 1.Microsoft Windows can run between $50.00 $150.00 US dollars per each license copy. 2.Although Microsoft Windows has made great improvements in reliability over the last few versions of Windows, it still cannot match the reliability of Linux. 3.Although Windows does have software programs, utilities, and games for free, the majority of the programs will cost anywhere between $20.00 $200.00+ US dollars per copy. 4.Although Microsoft has made great improvements over the years with security on their Operating System, their Operating System continues to be the most vulnerable to viruses and other attacks. 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What this means for the user is that you can use a number of programs at the same time using only a modest level of physical memory. The system can handle several programs at once without severely pulling on the systems resources. Advantage: Toolbox This operating system offers a rich collection of small utilities and commands that are designed to carry out specific tasks well rather than being cluttered up with a variety of special but insignificant options. Unix acts as a well-stocked toolbox rather than attempting to do everything at once. Advantage: Customization Unix has the ability to string different utilities and commands together in an unlimited number of configurations in order to accomplish a variety of complicated tasks. This operating system is not limited to any pre-configured menus or combinations as most ordinary personal computer systems normally are. Advantage: Portability Unix is available for use on a variety of different types of machines, making it one of the most portable operating systems in existence. Unix can be run on both PC and Macintosh computers and many other computing machines as well. Disadvantage: Interface The traditional interface for the Unix operating system is command line based, and this command line shell interface may be hostile to the casual user. Unix was developed for use by programmers and serious computer users rather than casual users. A graphical user interface (GUI) is also available, but the traditional Unix interface is command line only. Disadvantage: Special Commands Commands required by the command line interface often make use of cryptic naming schemes, and do not give much information to notify a user of what they are doing. Many commands in the Unix interface require the use of special characters. Small, normally insignificant typos can have much greater effects and unexpected results on Unix machines. Disadvantage: Overwhelming to Novices While the richness of utilities offered by Unix is a benefit or advantage to many, this may be overwhelming to a novice user. The Unix operating system is not simple by any means, and may be daunting and overwhelming to some users. 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Difficult To Upgrade ( I think it deletes your file if you do not make a backup when you upgrade, so its like you will be needing to buy a new mac. ) Annoying Rotating Disk Ball ( When Refreshing or when your computer is busy. ) In my openion The best one is mac os

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Essay --

What do we need to do to be closer to God? I find myself asking this on a somewhat daily basis. The book of Proverbs three describes several ways in which we can become closer to God and gain spiritual wisdom. In Proverbs three, there are thirty-five verses that can be analyzed in depth and discussed thoroughly; I however, will only be discussing the first twelve. Proverbs 3:1 states â€Å"do not forget my teaching,† and â€Å"let your heart keep my commandments,† these are two very bold statements both firm commands from the script of Proverbs himself. Jamieson-Fausset-Brown states, â€Å"law and commandments—all divine instructions / let thine heart keep—or sincerely observe† (Jamieson-Fausset-Brown,, par. 5). This implies that we should think of all the divine teachings in our daily lives and sincerely observe God’s instruction. In Proverbs 3:2 the ESV’s wording was a bit peculiar so I went to the NIV and it articulated it rather well for me. The ESV said, â€Å"for length of days and years of life and peace they will add to you.† but the NIV said, â€Å"for they will prolong your life many years and bring you peace and prosperity.† The NIV introduced a more straightforward interpretation of the verse and made it easy to understand that if we recall what God ha s taught us, we will live long and prosperous lives. The significance of Proverbs 3:3 is very unequivocal, the NIV states â€Å"let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.† Clarke’s commentary states that, â€Å"Let not mercy and truth forsake thee - Let these be thy constant companions through life. / Bind them about thy neck - Keep them constantly in view. Write them upon the table of thine heart - let them be thy movin... ...m, par. 2). This is personally one of my favorite verses in the Bible because of the everlasting comfort it provides. Even though sometimes things don’t work out in our favor, God still loves us and always will because we are his children. Though there are 35 verses in the Book of Proverbs, the first 12 have always captured my interest because of the requests the script of the book makes of the people. If I did not know God, why would I want to tithe? I would not, because I would not recognize the benefits. If I did not know God, why would I leave my future in the hands of someone else? I would not, because I do not recognize the benefits. I think if every person were to read, even listen to, Proverbs 3:1-12, it might spark their interest in getting to know God better. My hope is for as many people as possible to find as much inspiration as I did in these verses.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay --

Essay #3 Through chapters seventeen to twenty one, in Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre, a few new aristocrats are introduced as Mr. Rochester’s guests. Among these guests there is a significant character called Blanche Ingram. Jane is soon to find out about the relationship between Mr. Rochester and Miss Ingram, they are engaged. During the week that Mr. Rochester was away, Jane came to a realization of her feelings towards Mr. Rochester. However she kept telling herself that she had no business with Mr. Rochester except a strict business relationship as his governess. And that the only thing he should be giving her is the money she earns and that is it. However after a few days Mr. Rochester comes back with a group of aristocrats. Although he has guests he intends to impress, he still calls down Jane every evening. Because she is not in their ranks she is mainly ignored, but because Mr. Rochester calls her down, she is forced to sit in the window seat and simply watch them. In these gatherings, Miss Blanche and her mother treat Jane cruelly. They insulted her not directly but by her position. They talked badly about how much they dislike governesses and tutors and about how difficult they would make their lives. However Jane could really see inside Miss Ingram. She spent those days observing mainly the relationship held by Mr. Rochester and Miss Ingram and came up with the conclusion that â€Å"Miss Ingram was a mark beneath jealousy: she was too inferior to excite feeling. Pardon the seeming paradox; I mean what I say. She was very showy, but she was not genuine; she had a fine person, many brilliant attainments, but her mind was poor, her heart barren by nature; nothing bloomed spontaneously on that soil; no unforced natural fruit del... ... still, without weapons a silent conquest might have been won.†(chap. 18, pg 196) Jane was confident of her charm that she had over Mr. Rochester, and although she didn’t interfere, there wasn’t any trace of jealousy, except possibly some hurt, because Mr. Rochester would choose to marry someone who he doesn’t love but is in the same social class, rather than someone who he does love, and loves him back but isn’t in the same status as him. Overall although everything was happening so fast, soon we find out that Miss Ingram was only interested in Mr. Rochester’s wealth, and probably thought that since he was older, and not that attractive he would be easy to get a hold of, since she knows that she is beautiful, and sort of a snob. Even so we also find out that Mr. Rochester lead on Blanche Ingram, making her think he wanted to marry her, simply to get Jane Jealous.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Theme of Racial Prejudice in Harper Lees To Kill a Mockingbird Essay

How Does Harper Lee Develop the Theme of Racial Prejudice in the Novel â€Å"To Kill A Mockingbird†? â€Å"To Kill A Mockingbird† by Harper Lee is a novel set in the 1930s in a racially prejudice town called Maycomb County. A black man is accused of raping a white girl, and although it’s clear that he did not do it, the all white jury refuse to take a black man’s word over a white girl’s. Through the innocent eyes of an eight year old girl, the theme of racial prejudice is developed throughout the novel, although at times she is oblivious to it. In this essay I am going to discuss how Lee develops the theme of racial prejudice in the novel â€Å"To Kill A Mockingbird†. From the start of the novel, the reader gets the impression that Maycomb County hasn’t changed its views for many years. In chapter one, the narrator makes the comment, â€Å"Maycomb’s ways: closed doors meant illness and cold weather only.† The word â€Å"ways† suggests that the town is quite rigid in their habits and â€Å"closed doors meant illness and cold weather† implies that their habits are old fashioned, as only allowing closed doors in certain circumstances is rather old fashioned thinking. In addition to the town having time-honoured habits, they are also very stuck in their ways when making accusations. For example, when people’s chickens and pets were found mutilated, the culprit Crazy Addie eventually drowned himself, but people â€Å"still looked at the Radley Place, unwilling to discard their initial suspicions.† This indicates that the town’s people are stubborn in their beliefs and refuse to acknowledge the tru th if it’s not what they initially assumed. This would encourage discrimination against individuals. Maycomb County’s beliefs are provoked by the social structure in... deliberate because mockingbirds are a type of finch and this promotes the idea that Atticus sees the mockingbird of the novel (Tom Robinson) as part of the family to be protected. An example of further symbolism used in the novel is when Scout and Jem build a snowman made up of mostly mud rather than snow. He continued to add more snow and mud to it thus making the snowman change colour. This represents how irrelevant the skin colour of a person is in contrast to the beliefs of the people of Maycomb County. In conclusion, Lee uses various techniques to develop the theme of racial prejudice in the novel â€Å"To Kill A Mockingbird† such as the personalities of characters, the racist comments made by the characters, and symbolism. Lee effectively highlights racism to the reader and successfully encourages the reader to sympathise with the victims of discrimination.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

British Petroleum Essay

2. Introduction BP is one of the largest multinational corporations in the world. According to CNN (2011), BP is the fourth largest multinational corporation in the world and employs over 80,000 people and making annual revenue of $392 Billion. BP has massive influence on the global economic climate and has the operation capacity to affect stakeholders. This essay will analyse BP’S current stance using Porters five forces. It will also establish who are the most important stakeholders and suggest strategies that can be used in future. 3. Porters Five Forces This looks at he external factors that can affect which include new entrants, buyers, suppliers, substitutes and competition and can affect productivity of a business as seen in appendix A. 3.1 Threat of New Entrants The threat of new entrants into the oil and gas industry is relatively low. This is a result of the high capital costs and technology, distribution channels, economies of scale, regulations and geopolitical barriers and the high levels of expertise required for exploration and extraction. (Mascarenhas, 1997) This makes it relatively easy for the oil and gas industry to fend of potential entrants; however the investment in relation to profit returns with suitable environmental and technical environment is relatively high. 3.2 Rivalry Rivalry in the oil and gas industry is relatively high because of the resource based nature of the business. There is severe competition to locate and secure drilling licenses between the major players and the cost of expedition and production is relatively high. The main source of competitive advantage in his industry is to cut down the costs of production per unit produced. 3.3 Substitutes for Oil and Gas Products The threats of substitutes for oil and gas products are low and come from  wind, nuclear, hydroelectric and biomass. Wachsmith et al (2013) states that solar power, wind power and other substitutes for oil and gas products are not yet efficient enough to challenge oil and gas products as they can be affected by environmental factors. Other substitutes such as Nuclear power can cause devastating harm to the environment in the event of unprecedented spillages and reparations would be extremely costly. However, BP is currently embarking on projects to diversify the range of their energy production sources into wind power and biofuels which yield less carbon emission.(BP, 2014) 3.4 Buyers Buyers are both industrial and individual consumers. Consumer power is relatively low because suppliers have an incentive to keep supply low in order to control oil prices. Also OPEC has the power to limit the amount Oil in the market and can alter this to the benefit of the producer to achieve the highest possible price. (Radetski, 2012) The consumer is the price taker. 3.5 Supply Supplier power in the oil and gas industry is high. This is because of the constraints attached to the supply of the output by OPEC and countries resource management levels. (Radetski, 2012) This enables suppliers to control oil prices to an extent while working in unison to the regulations of overseeing organisations and countries of operations they can decide to seize BP’S output if terms and conditions of resource exploitation are not met. 4. Stakeholders The major BP stakeholders are suppliers, environmental organisations, countries of operation and oil production governing organisations. 5. Conclusion This essay has given a short account of BP’s stakeholders using Porters five forces as a model and identified the major stakeholders. This study has shown that suppliers, countries of operation and governing bodies play a  major role in the success of BP. These finding suggest several courses of action for BP which include: †¢Abiding by the rules and regulations of both countries and governing organisations. †¢Maintaining a frugal means of production and investing in more efficient methods of production †¢Maintain good relationship with government to secure more oil blocs. †¢Caution should be taken when mining to reduce hazardous environmental effects as they will call for reparations and damage government relationship. 6.Appendices Appendix A: Porters Five Forces (own source)

Friday, August 16, 2019

The Impact of Advertising on Graffiti

In an era defined by hyper reality, branded lifesylfe, and instant gratification. Effect= noun Is graffiti a direct result of advertising? To evaluate how the advertising industry has played a role in the inception of street art sub culture, we must compare each institution’s role in society, the techniques employed (use of propaganda) by each, and how past artistic movements have been influenced by forces that propel them into. Commercial consumer advertising is propelled by immediate financial profit and mediated by boardrooms and stockholders.It aims at exposing that product in an appealing way, and doing it so as many people are aware of that product. Graffiti is a tool used by individuals with their own agenda, one however that doesn't include profit as its foremost target. The main agenda of a graffiti artist is exposure by means of guerrilla tactics. To understand how advertising has contributed to the establishment of graffiti subculture, the roles each has in society must be examined. Advertising has come a long way from the archaic methods of attraction. Long gone are the times of fact-based advertising.Instead we have moved on to the aesthetisation of commodities, and consequently a world in which the promise made by the seller of love, eternal youth and a perfect body turns people into obsessive-compulsive consumers with a proclivity for instant gratification and a 5-second attention span. The advertising industry sells a way of life, not a product; in fact the ad itself becomes the object of aesthetisation. Over time advertisements have become much more than just ads, they incorporate art of all kinds to appeal to all tastes, using strong cultural signifiers that evoke certain emotions in the viewer.They are like an exact science; they employ psychologists, behaviorists, and all kinds of experts from different fields to pinpoint the moment when a mind will be ready to respond to all these messages. Graffiti becomes a visual manifestation of man's desire to leave his mark on the world, something that is the hallmark of advertising practice, while visually (logos, signs, brands), advertising has provided the ‘raw materials' as it were, with which writers become known. advertising and a world over-saturated with popular culture imagery

The Antibiotics Self Medication Health And Social Care Essay

Background: self medicine with antibiotics is devouring drugs to handle self diagnosed infection without confer withing doctors which is broad spread abuse of antibiotics in developing states. Purpose: this survey purpose to measure the prevalence of behavioural abuse of antibiotics by self medicine among wellness professional pupils in J.U.S.T, and to measure the association between ego aa‚ ¬ † medicine and doing factors. Design: across-sectional design will utilize. Method: random sample of 400 pupils in J.U.S.T university, selected from 4th twelvemonth degree in modules of ( medical specialty, dental medicine, pharmaceutics, and nursing ) , validated questionnaire will used to roll up informations, pilot survey sample ( 40 pupils ) , informations analysis through statistical bundle of societal scientific discipline ( SPSS ) . Decision: the determination will supply of import informations about prevalence of abuse of medicine among the four groups ( medical specialty, dental medicine, pharmaceutics, nurse ) , which will be of import in understanding the wellness load of the development of antibacterial opposition.IntroductionA important addition in the mortality and morbidity rate of antecedently treatable infections disease due to the outgrowth of opposition among infective and common bacterium. This turning opposition to antibiotics represents a planetary menace to human sort. The major job of antibiotics self medicine is the outgrowth of opposition which means the effectivity of antibiotics will worsen and therefore infections turned to be more hard and really expensive to handle and epidemics become harder to command ( WHO report, 2005 ) ( reka bisht, 2009 ) . Further, other serious side consequence may develop like harm to some critical organ like kidney and liver, and devastation of normal vegetations in the organic structure. The purpose of this survey is to look into the prevalence of behavioural abuse of antibiotics by self medicine without prescription and its part to antibacterial opposition among wellness professional pupils at J.U.S.T university, and compare the consequence with similar surveies. In Jordan, no much behavioral based survey was conducted. One of these survey conducted by Al-Bakri et Al ( 2005 ) to measure beginnings, form and rightness of antibacterial drugs ingestion within the Jordanian population? ? ? ? ? All other surveies carried in Jordan were based on community, wellness establishment, or infirmary scene? ? ? ? ? ? ? .Literature reappraisalThe old surveies defined self medicine as consuming of drugs without reding from their doctors or use of any medicine for ego intervention without audience of wellness attention professions ( sharrif, 2011 ) .Study designA cross-sectional survey will be conducted to look into the magnitude of antibiotic abuse and to measure the most likely causation factors act uponing this behaviour among wellness professional pupils in ( medical specialty, dental medicine, pharmaceutics, and nursing ) . This descriptive exploratory survey will be performed utilizing a self-administered questionnaire.Population and sampleA convenient random choice of pupils will be performed to transport out the survey. The sample choice will be will be from all pupils in 4th specializer to be chosen every other pupil. This indiscriminately selected sample is considered homogen eous with regard to their age ( 4th twelvemonth degree pupils ) , educational degree, and wellness professions. Data will be collected from the pupils during their presence in their regular categories at the beginning of the 2nd semester in 2013. A entire figure of 400 questionnaires will be distributed on pupils in 4th specializer.PutingThe survey will be conducted in an academic based puting on 4th twelvemonth degree pupils of the 4th wellness co-workers ( medical specialty, dental medicine, pharmaceutics, and nursing ) at Jordan university of scientific discipline and engineering.Data aggregationA pre-designed structured questionnaire in Arabic linguistic communication will be used to roll up the information on ego medicine with antibiotic from the survey population. The questionnaire will be pre-tested on a little pilot population ( 40 pupils ) , from every specializer to find the diction and format of the questionnaire, completeness of response, the clip needed to finish the si gnifier. After that the questionnaire will be modified consequently. University administrative blessing will be obtained ( IRB ) to ease the distribution of the questionnaire. At the beginning of the questionnaire, the intent of the survey will be explained and so the pupils will be asked to reply all inquiries. Consequently, demographic informations such as name, age, gender, reference, and forte co-worker will be followed. The questionnaire will dwell of structured unfastened and closed terminal inquiries and multiple response inquiries, the informations will be classified into point, which in bend will be given codifications used for intent of computing machine informations entry. The questionnaire will distributed to pupils at the terminal of their talk after informing and obtaining consent of the teaching staff and so collected after completion clip ( the clip will find related to fly survey ) . The response rate will be 100 % .Statistical analysisData will be analyzed by utili zing SPSS, descriptive analysis will be conducted. Prevalence of self-medication with antibiotics will be reported as per centum. Categorical information will be presented as frequence of happening and will be analyzed by chi-square trial. Continuous informations will be presented as mean and standard divergence and will be analyzed by pupil t-test. The P value of less than 0.05 was considered important at the 0.05 degree.RestrictionFirst, our topic will be drawn from health-professional pupils instead than other specializer. Second, the age distribution of the sample population will be different from the age distribution from general distribution of Jordan. Further surveies are needed to affect wider scope of ages to find the magnitude of self-medication abuse of antibiotics in the general population. Third, this is a retrospective survey, some prejudice might go on when the pupil have to retrieve how many times, continuance of intervention, besides should retrieve the name of antibiotics have been taken in old 12 months. Fourth, the questionnaire will be administered to pupils during their presence in their regular category. So, pupils may impact each other ‘s replies to inquiry, in malice of research worker ‘s instructions. What are anticipating to happen out is: Antibiotics self medicine without prescription is extremely prevalence among wellness professional pupils. Uncontrolled purchase of antibiotics from pharmaceuticss ( over the counter ) without prescription, and handiness of antibiotics at place ( remnant ) are the most common beginning of self medicine. Upper respiratory piece of land infection is the major wellness jobs reported to be treated by antibiotics self-medication. The fiscal factors plays a function in choosing the type and the sum of antibiotics by self medicine individual.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Lady Macbeth Character analysis Essay

Lady Macbeth Essay â€Å"A dynamic character is an individual that undergoes a drastic character change or revelation.†[1] Lady Macbeth is an ideal example of this kind of character. At the beginning of the play Macbeth, written by Shakespeare, Lady Macbeth can be perceived as a manipulative and deeply ambitious person, which implies an overall sinister-like quality. However, as the play progresses, Lady Macbeth’s character changes to one that seems deeply regretful for her actions. Through Lady Macbeth’s interactions and statements the reader views her transformation from a sinister being into a remorseful soul. In the opening of the play, Lady Macbeth is an extremely manipulative individual that essentially has the power to control her husband’s actions. This is evident through the plot and ultimately the death of King Duncan. Lady Macbeth insulted her husbands manhood stating: â€Å"What beast was’t then that made you break this enterprise to me? When you durst do it then you were a man; And to be more than what you were, you would be so much more the man†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (I, VII, 52-64). This statement reinforces her manipulative manner, which provides crucial and important information about Lady Macbeth’s character. In essence, this attack towards Macbeth introduces a pivotal theme of the play: the relationship between gender and violence. Lady Macbeth links masculinity to violence and thereby she has to resort to influential measures in order to achieve her goals. She claims that he is not manly enough because he is hesitant of performing the violent deed of murdering the King. Her mockery of her husband serves a dual purpose of developing her as well as Macbeth’s character. The sarcastic tone reveals the dominating personality of Lady Macbeth, which is significant in influencing Macbeth during later part of the play to succumb to darkness of treachery and bloodshed. Which also intensifies her fiendish attributes. Lady Macbeth has the ability to override all her husband’s hesitation and manipulate him into undertaking these murderous acts. Thro ugh persuasion and criticism she was able to manipulate her husband thereby suggesting elements of evil and sinister-like qualities in Lady Macbeth. There is a defined relationship between manipulation and ambition in this play. That is, Lady Macbeth’s ambition drives her to persuade her husband into the murdering of innocent people. The first example of her determination is apparent in her  soliloquy, which is started off with a tone of certainty and conviction. â€Å"Glamis thou art, and Cawdor; and shalt be what thou art promised.† (I, V, 14-29) Ironically, this tone does not alleviate the strength of her character but instead makes the reader wary of her. This draws the reader’s interest and creates a feeling of the oncoming evil that seems inevitable. Hence, the reader can indicate the instrumental role that Lady Macbeth is going to play in the build up of darkness later on. But the primary example of her ambitious behaviour is evident in the plot for her husband to become king. As claimed by the witches, Macbeth would be king, however the means of how this would become was never discussed until Lady M acbeth is introduced. When the reader is first introduced to her, she is asking for spirits to â€Å"unsex me†(I, V, 44). â€Å"The language suggests that her womanhood, represented by breasts and milk, which are usually symbols of a nurturer, prevents her from performing acts of violence and cruelty, which she associates with manliness.†[2] This also reinforces the link between gender and violence. This statement displays the immense ambition she has to become queen, demonstrating she will go to any lengths in order to accomplish her goal. The devised plan by Lady Macbeth further shows her great ambition to become Queen of Scotland. Lady Macbeth states to Macbeth: â€Å"O, never shall sun that morrow see!† (I, V, 67-68) referring to the murdering of King Duncan providing evidence of her great ambition. Lady Macbeth is so blinded by her ambitions that she neglects to ponder the potential consequences her actions may have on her and Macbeth himself. This intense and unwavering ambition of what might be to come forces her to place whatever values, morals and good judgment on hold, however it is also her blind ambition that leads to her fast approaching downfall. Aside from Lady Macbeth’s sinister tendencies, there is proof that suggests that there is a compassionate and guilty feeling individual buried inside. The first piece of evidence, which suggests of a remorsef ul Lady Macbeth, is apparent through her statement: â€Å"where out desire is got without content.†(III, II, 7). This passage refers to the lack of fulfillment the role of queen posses, and hints that all her actions were meaningless thereby implying remorseful feelings. Another crucial indication of her guilt is visible in Act Five, Scene 1 when Lady Macbeth is wondering around in a trance state appearing to be sleep walking. It is at this point in time where we indisputably learn of her deepest  regrets and guilt. This is evident when she is heard saying: â€Å"Out, damned spot† (V, I, 32) suggesting that she is unable to wash the blood off her hands. These actions play a central role in the reinforcement of another theme: appearance versus reality (Lady Macbeth appears to be wide-awake, however, she is in a state of near unconsciousness revealing the reality of her thoughts). These regretful feelings inherently lead to her downfall through her suicide. By dying by her own hand she is paying the greatest cost for the consequences of her actions. Here underlies the truth to her character, she inherits a change of heart resulting in indisputable evidence that Lady Macbeth is a dynamic character. In conclusion, through Lady Macbeth’s interactions and statements the reader gains tremendous insight into her true character. As the play progresses and character revelation occurs, we see her change from an individual that is deeply ambitious and persuasive to a regretful and remorseful s oul. This thereby provides as adequate proof that Lady Macbeth is a dynamic character. This change creates a sense of sympathy in the eyes of the reader; and consequently it is her actions that cause her own ultimate death. Sources: [2] [1] Dynamic character defined by (